Tuesday, March 10, 2020

All Hiking Activities In Mt. Ulap Suspended Until Further Notice

The officials of barangay Ampucao in Itogon, Benguet have decided to suspend all hiking and tourism activities in Mt. Ulap and its various eco trails. The temporary suspension is a preventative measure against the current corona virus threat.

The barangay announced the closing of the mountain today (Tuesday). Organizers and hikers who are scheduled to climb the mountain in the coming weeks are advised to follow the directive. There's no definite date on when the mountain will be reopened. Given the increasing number of corona virus cases in the country, it will probably be a while before the barangay allows hikers to enter the area.

It can be recalled that Mt. Ulap was closed a couple of weeks ago, also because of the corona virus threat. It was reopened in the last week of February. The local officials decided to close it again today for the safety of the residents. A lot of the hikers climbing Mt. Ulap often come from the NCR. As of this writing, more than a dozen cases of the corona virus have been recorded in the NCR.