By Kimverly Diwas
Bachelor of Science in Developmental Communication, Benguet State University
Educational institutions through their Office of Students’ Services are encouraged to take immediate action to help students solve their concerns on sexual desire issues.
Ann Heather B. Kiwang, Social Sciences professor of Benguet State University, in her study titled Exploring the Sexual Scripts of Adolescents found out that the culture of silence on matters of sex leaves the students alone in dealing with their sexual desires and behaviors. Many of the students attempt to restrain themselves from acting out their sexual desires through self-control by keeping themselves busy with school work and some avoid the person they desire.
The researcher further discovered that the culture of machismo continues to play a vital role in the occurrence of teen age sex especially among the male students. Accordingly, more male expressed momentary happiness during the experience of their sexual fantasies. Male students consider the satisfaction of the sexual fantasies as part of his being a “true” man.
On the other hand, stereotypical image of a conservative woman exerts its influence on the female students by leading them to attribute negative feelings and description to their selves.
Women describe themselves as “unclean”, and “low” which is consistent with the Maria Clara view of Filipino culture on women.
Also, for male students, doing a sexual act with their partner is not necessarily associated with love compared to the females whose sexual experiences occurred mostly within the context of a relationship.
Moreover, confronted by the powerful societal norm, teenagers are often left alone to deal with their sexual urges because it is not openly discussed in the home and in the school.
The researcher then recommended that integration of discussions of sex in relevant courses should be considered by universities to provide avenues for students to express their issues as well as to seek informed help in dealing with such concerns.