Thursday, September 19, 2024

Gimata: Traditional Igorot Transport Basket

The "gimata" is a traditional transport equipment in the Cordillera region. It's basically a wooden shoulder yoke with two large baskets attached on both ends. It's mostly used for transporting agricultural produce like rice, sweet potatoes, and vegetables. It's also often used in transporting meat during community events and rituals.

The wooden yoke is called an "assiw" or "aksiw".

The "gimata" is still used today. Some farmers have become creative and made "gimatas" whose baskets are constructed from steel wires. These steel-wire "gimatas" can carry more load than the old "gimatas" made from wood, rattan, and bamboo.

It takes a lot of practice to be able to carry a heavy load using the "gimata". Learning to balance the load is key. You also need to learn how to effectively transfer the yoke from one shoulder to another.